Attendance and Punctuality


On this page you will find the school procedures for Attendance and Punctuality at Templemoor Infant and Nursery School. Please take time to read the policy. It is essential that children attend school regularly and maintain a pattern of good attendance and punctuality throughout their school career. The link between attendance, punctuality and attainment in school is clear. The more a child is in school the more they increase their opportunity to fulfil their potential.

Procedure to follow when a child is absent

If a child is absent for any reason unknown to the school, parents or carers must contact the school office by telephone or email before 8:45am on the first day of absence. Parents/ carers must clearly state the reason for the absence and the expected duration of illness. Further information can be found in the table below.

Daily Procedures

By whom

Parents ensure pupils arrive at school on time.


Parents inform the school (either by telephone or email) by 8:45am if their child is going to be absent on that day.

Office staff

Pupils arriving late to school (after 9am) are registered at the main office.


Class teachers record attendance using SIMs at 9am and 1:00pm, or 9:15am and 12:45pm for Nursery.

Class teachers/ TA’s or Supply staff

First day of absence: In the absence of a note, email or telephone call from the parent:

By at least 10am – Phone call/ email sent out to parents whose child has an unexplained absence.

By at least 10:30am – DSL to be informed of any remaining unexplained absences.

DSL to try all contacts on record.

If unable to make contact, DSL to email parents regarding safeguarding concerns.

By at least 11:30am – If there is still no contact by parents, DSL plus one other member of staff to carry out home visit.

The situation may then be escalated to the police.

Office Staff


Medical and Dental Appointments

Absence from school due to a medical or dental appointment will be considered as an authorised absence so long as the pupil’s parent/carer notifies the school in advance of the appointment. However, we encourage parents/carers to make medical and dental appointments out of school hours. Where this is not possible, the child should only be out of school for the minimum amount of time necessary for the appointment.

Absence for Religious Observance

Where the day is exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which the pupil’s parents belong. If necessary, the school will seek advice from the parents’ religious body to confirm whether the day is set apart. In line with local authority guidance, pupil absences of up to a maximum of 3 days per academic year may be authorised for religious observances. Parents/carers must apply for this leave in advance of the religious occasion using the appropriate leave of absence form.


Children are expected to arrive punctually, ready for registration at 8:55 a.m. The classroom doors are opened at 8:50 am and locked from 8:55 am. Any children arriving after this time must enter school through the main entrance and be ‘signed in’ by a parent/carer. Registers close at 8:55 a.m. and children arriving after this time will be marked as ‘Late’ on the class register. Parents/carers of children who are persistently late will be contacted by the Headteacher and will be asked to address the problem. School may also make a referral to the Education Welfare Officer. 

Holidays in Term Time

Holidays during term time are not authorised. Children and families have 175 days off school to spend time together throughout the year, including weekends and school holidays.

Parents/carers who wish to take their child out of school during term time for any reason other than illness or medical appointment, must complete an Exceptional Leave of Absence request form in advance. Forms can be collected from the school office. This request can be authorised ONLY by the Headteacher. Only requests that the Headteacher deems as exceptional circumstances and backed up by relevant supporting evidence, will be authorised. Parents/carers who take their child out of school during term time without authorisation may receive an EPN (Education Penalty Notice) from the Local Authority. Please note that the ability to access a reduced cost of a holiday does not constitute an exceptional circumstance.

If parent/carers still decide to take their child out of school, this could lead to the issuing of a fixed penalty notice of £60 per child per parent/carer which increases to £120 if not paid within the first 21 days. Further information about Fixed Penalty Notices can be found below.