Uniform is worn at our school to develop a sense of pride in being a member of our very special school community. We ask that you help us to maintain this high standard and ensure your child is appropriately dressed. Nursery children have the option to wear the school uniform if they wish to do so. Alternatively, as the youngest learners in the school, they are free to wear their own clothes if you would prefer.
Long grey trousers or grey shorts
Grey Socks
White or red polo shirt (school or plain)
Red jumper (school or plain) or Red Cardigan
A grey skirt or Royal Stewart tartan pinafore dress or Royal Stewart tartan skirt
Green tights or white socks
Sensible black shoes
Sensible coat with a hood

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will need the following uniform for PE
Plain white t-shirt
Plain black jogging bottoms, black shorts or leggings
Red jumper (school or plain) or green cardigan
Plain Black Trainers
A red school fleece
Grey shorts
Red and white gingham dress (for the Summer Term)
A cap or sun hat (for sunny days!)
Where to purchase our School Uniform
Our school uniform can be purchased from:
The school website (see below)
Any local supermarket for non-branded items
Second-hand uniform is available via our uniform exchange in the school office.
Second-hand uniform can also be purchased via regular second-hand uniform sales arranged by the Friends of Templemoor (PTA)
Parent/Carers in receipt of the pupil premium grant may be eligible to apply to the school for funding towards school uniform items. Please contact the school office for further details.
To increase parental choice and to provide best value, we use two school uniform providers. Please see details below on how to order uniform.
Please note there are set delivery dates (which are listed on each uniform site).
Gooddies Schoolwear
To order your uniform from Gooddies Schoolwear please click on the link below:
Parents will need to register once they have selected the school from the list page.
To order your uniform from Uniform4You please click on the link below:
and use the password (case sensitive) Nurseryclose1
Our School Uniform Policy can be downloaded below: